Whew...what a fun but hectic trip we are having in Indianapolis. Got in late last night after some mechanical delays in Minneapolis. My brother Chris stopped in and hung out until 11:00 PM and that was awesome.
Today it is very gloomy and wet, but that didn't keep us from having fun. This morning, my nieces Tara (10) and Brooke (3) came over to Mom 7 Dad's around 9:00 AM with my sister, Leslie. Leslie had to work, but she got to have a bit of the awesome breakkie Mom whipped up for us all, with loads of fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, biscuits & jelly, doughnut holes, sausage and juice.
After breakfast, while Annie got to know Tara and Brooke a little better, Mom gave me my first real hair cut since Christmas... let's just say it's pretty short right now.
So then it was off to Galyan's to pick up a couple of swim suits...unfortunately the weather was poopy, so no Ultimate frisbee for me with my local chums. Instead, Mom, Annie, Tara, Brooke, Leslie and me went swimming in the rain. The pool is heated so we played Marco Polo through the steam. Loads of fun.
The afternoon got chillier so we retreated to the house for a late lunch and some reading to put Brooke to sleep. Mom showed off her gardens to us and they are lovely.
So now, we're getting ready to head over to Annie's sister & brother in-laws' house for a feast and a night of fun.
Tomorrow we'll be back here at Mom & Dad's for a cookout. My whole family plus Monkey, Katy & Bryan, Curt & Kathy (crossing our fingers about this connection) and my Uncle Mike and his wife Aurora will all be present.
I won't get to see Craig, Kathy and the kids on this trip and it looks like I'll miss Hurst, Gina and Stephen but I'm shooting for hooking up with Tango and hopefully a surprise visit to the original Mr. Hopedaddy on Monday.


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