Cool, cool Trina:

Tonight I walked down to the Powell street BART station and took the BART down to the Mission District where Trina met me. We walked over to a sweet place called Luna Park on Valencia street. It was so much fun. The food was super, but the company was what made the night. Trina is such a wonderful person and I was so happy to just sit and listen to her stories about traveling, work and the things going on in her life. For all you Hollanders out there, Trina won't get to come to Holladougatuck this year after all, which is our loss. She is going to get to take a National Geographic photography course in Santa Fe though, sort of around the same time so we can expect even more cool photography on her website.

I still love San Francisco but I must admit tonight the panhandlers got to me. There are a tremendous number of homeless people in this town...and I mean tremendous; they are everywhere and they are persistent in their attempts to get money. I bought a Street Times from one, gave 50 cents to another and a dollar to a third and then I just had enough. Near Union Square I was accosted 5 times in one block. The city has a real problem but even more than the human tragedy, the shear number of homeless and their aggressive pan handling will most certainly have an economic impact when tourists start avoiding the downtown area.

More tomorrow...night, night time.


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