And now, France!

My summer is starting to heat up. After two years of spending my vacation time traveling back to Indiana (6 times last year), I had a quiet winter and spring with little travel. Now I'm following up on my San Francisco trip with an exciting adventure trip to France. I'm pretty stoked. The lovely Annie and I will be heading to to the continent next month, sandwiching a whirlwind off-the-beaten-path adventure around the wedding of Gildas Plouhinec, the infamous brother of the lucky girl, Gwen Plouhinec Roscoe. The wedding will be in a small town in the Loire Valley called Ennordres, which is near Bourges. The whole village will be there and the wedding will last two days!
Annie is game for traveling my way, which involves a lot of research using the rough guides resources and getting tips from other like minded travelers and then shooting from the hip once we get there. I definitely want to see the D-Day beaches, monuments and cities of Normandy and want to get into the countryside. Beyond that, we're open to suggestions.


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