My Christmas Tree-eating Dog

Allie Taru, my year-old Aussie shepherd mix, is a pretty good dog overall. Having said that I will also say she is one of the biggest sources of anxiety and frustration in my life. In the past three days she has caused me to lose hair and sanity. It started on Saturday, when she apparantly shat in one of the offices in our building, while I was creating a Winter Mix 2005 CD template to give away to friends for Christmas; I didn't know of her dasterdly deed until I arrived to work on Monday and was informed I had a mess to clean up. She also decided to poop on my spare bed...not under the bed or off in a corner, but ON the bed...meaning she was angry with me for leaving her in the house this morning rather than leave her out in the 11 degree weather. Then the coup de grace happened sometime between 9:30 AM today and 11:30 AM today, when I returned home to meet the plumbers about the leak in my basement (ah, but that is another story)and had a hard time opening the door. The reason for my difficulty is that my beautiful tree (cut down two weekends ago up on the mountains outside of Lolo...again, another story in and of itself) was blocking the way. Allie not only knocked it over, but she then proceeded to remove every glass bulb ornamanet (some over 45 years old) and shatter them and chew them up. She left two piles of shards, one in the living room, next to a hand towel she chewed a hole in, and the other on my bed. So today one bed has been shit on and the other was a trash can for broken Christmas tree ornaments. You can begin to feel my frustration.

What else? Well it has been well over three months since my last post and much has transpired. I've made two trips back to Indiana (one for a Purdue football game and the other to visit family and for the Covered Bridge festival) since then; my wonderful sister made a trip out here to see Montana for the first time; my Ultimate frisbee team made it all the way to the final nationals qualifying game on the campus of Stanford University, only to fall one point short; I broke two ribs (playing Ultimate); and I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee (an old Ultimate injury).

Besides those things, work is busy and I'm trying to grow a side business so that I can afford to hire a person to run the day to day affairs. I'm still Vice President of the Board of Trustees for an International School here in Missoula and am President-Elect of the State Medical Group Management Association. Blah, blah, blah.

Christmas time always finds me a little misty-eyed, thinking of friends and family not with us anymore and of loved ones far away. But I am super excited to travel back to Indiana and spend Christmas with my family and the week after visiting friends and re-connecting.

More later.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Hey this blog is not about mattress

I have been doing hours of research on "Aero Bed" and it brought me to your blog on My Christmas Tree-eating Dog. Anyways, Johnny O I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.

Keep blogging away :-)

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