Not only did my good friend Bruce point out that I need to explain a litle bit about but he also made me realize I need to add a link to his website. If you're one of the scant few who visit this blog and don't know Bruce, he is part of a strong group of friends who I get to share time with each year in Holland, Michigan (and surrounding environs). He's also a brainiac, a musician, a producer, a computer guru and one who enjoys a good debate about life and al that encompasses. So, I added a link to the very cool Bruce Burdick for your pleasure.

Here's what I posted about
There is a site out there called A buddy of mine created his own, legal, radio station called hopedaddy. He writes reviews for several music industry rags and, as such, gets free copies of new releases before they are released so he has music posted to his station the day it comes out. He is more into the Wilco, Joe Henry, alt.countrty rock scene but also like jam bands and singer songwriters.

Anyone can create a radio station on the site, for a fee. I think the cheapest package is 7.95 a month and goes up to 99.95 a month if you 2000mb storage and 200+ simultaneous listeners


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