The Straight Story

If you thought David Lynch could only make movies that were a bit off center, then you need to see the movie The Straight Story.

It's a great movie that will pull at your heart strings and have the whole family in tears. It's slow, and I mean s-l-o-w, moving but at the same time it feels just right. The movie is based on a true story, about a man who drives his lawnmower across Iowa and Wisconsin to see his ailing brother. Harry Dean Stanton is in the flick, a plus for just about any movie. It also stars Sissy Spacek and Richard Farnsworth, Farnsworth in particular does an outstanding job.

The scenery is fantastic and the stories created along the journey help make the movie a success, at least in my book.

Check it out this month on the Independent Film Channel (IFC) here in the states.


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