A Labor Day Scorcher

Busy, busy, busy is the story of my life these days. Since my post last Thursday I've been to Boise and back ( a 7 1/2 hour drive from Missoula), played in another Ultimate tournament, experienced the unpleasant task of having to terminate an employee at work and spent countless hours wrestling with my own thoughts (ohhhhhh, cruel world).

This past weekend was Labor Day weekend here in the States and, like most Americans, I used the three day weekend to get out of town. I headed south to Boise, Idaho to participate in the Boise Scorcher ultimate tournament with a team from Missoula. The drive to Boise is really spectacular and I saw a bull moose on the way down through the mountains. The weather was perfect and the sunset on the way down was added to my list of great sunsets. Our team had won a tournament the weekend before in Jackson Hole, Wyoming but we weren't really expected to make much noise in Boise. Scorcher is a tourney that brings out some very good teams and this year was no exception. Quite to my surprise (and that of all my teammates, I believe) we won the tourney in grand fashion, beating an established team that went to the national championships last year. It was an awesome weekend. On the way back I saw a red fox, a bald eagle, some mountain goats, plenty of deer and some incredible whitewater all along the way.

The weekend was a nice diversion from the things I've been wrestling with lately; my quickly disintegrating relationship with Annie, all the garbage at work, my current financial state and thoughts of home. I got home late last night and didn't sleep much. This morning I had to get to work early so I could prepare for our new employee (who is replacing the one I terminated last week). It was a crazy day...I just hope she comes back!


Sounds like a nice time, other than that disintegrating relationship part...yeah, well, nice blog!
None said…
I came uon your blog in a very random fashion. The words Boise stuck out. I work there. I read your entry and immediatley liked your writing style. I think I might come back.

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