Missing Posts

Over the weekend I thought I posted a couple of stories about Dr. Dave's wedding and the rehearsal the night before. Apparently they are floating out there in blogspace.

I attended a fabulous outdoor wedding, amidst not so fabulous outdoor weather. It was the wedding between one of my employers, Dr. Dave and his fiance Pamela. It was held out at Dr. Dave's river place, also known as Tarkio. There were about 300 people in attendance. Rain has been falling over Missoula constantly for about 10 days and even though Tarkio is 45 miles west, the rain was constant there too. But as these things often do, the rain stopped just about 15 minutes before the ceremony was to begin and held off long enough for us to gather down on the beach and watch the wedding celebration take place. They wrote their own vows, which they recited at the same time and were wed under an alter made of river driftwood. It was lovely.

On Friday they had a rehearsal dinner for 100! It was held at the Pearl Cafe, Missoula's new hot spot for fine cuisine. I knew I had to give a roast of Dave so I decided to have some wine to "loosen" me up a bit: I'm not much of a wine drinker and so I wasn't ready for how quickly it hit me. My stomach got all warm and fuzzy and the next thing I knew I was plain ol' drunk. My roast was a huge success, despite the fact I can't remember much of what I said. Needless to say I paid the price for this indiscretion Saturday. Wine headaches are not to be messed with. All I could do was suck it up and work through the pain.


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