uh oh, I have that familiar scratchy feeling in the back of my throat and some slight nausea. This generally means one thing, a chest infection. In retrospect, I should have worn a mask when cleaning in the garage and down in the basement. I think I inhaled a ton of dust, cob webs and airborne pest poop particles from the garage. I better start right away on one of the sundry of elixers I have for such events. Damn lungs.

I also spent a couple of hours in the dentist chair today, under the gentle care of one Lori Aleksic Westenfelder, DDS. Lori is replacing a crown that is just not quite right. Yes, it's true; the secret is out...I have cavaties. Lori had to give me such extra juice so I spent a good portion of the day numb on the left side of my face. I now have a temporary crown while my real one is being made.

Only four more days until I get to go home for a visit! Yippee. I'll be back in Indianapolis from April 30th to May 3rd. I'll get to meet Caroline and Stu, Annie's sister & brother in-law and she'll get to meet my family. Should be loads of fun.


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