So, I reconnected with Hunter tonight. He called me from his office in New York. I hadn't heard from him in over 2 years and my message on his home machine mid-morning on 9/11 was never answered. It was great to talk to him again and he is doing well.
Hunter Lipton is an amazing human being whom I hadn't talked to in over two years. I think he's still mad at me for not going into business with him in 2000 and, knowing Hunter as I do, had I done so my life would be much different now. Anyway, I met Hunter in 1992 (I think) at the American Physical Therapy Association's national convention in Denver, Colorado. He was setting up a booth in the exhibitor's hall and I helped him. We became quick friends. Hunter built and sold a therapy staffing business then made some smart business moves with the ensuing stock. He retired at a young age to Aspen, lived the good life for a bit, moved back to New York City and has since helped start a company, try a few other ventures and is now married, with an 8-month old Son named Holden and is breaking ground on a real estate development in NYC. Still an amazing person.

I think I'm lucky like that...some people are blessed with humility, some with business acumen but I'm blessed with having all sorts of friends all over the World. That is a satisfaction in my life, my friendships.


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