It's another cold Spring morning here in the northern Rockies. We're getting some rain and,even though I've only been out here for two summers I already know we want all the rain we can get right now because as Spring turns into Summer and summer turns into fire season, we're going to need all the water we can muster.

This past weekend I spent a majority of my time working on my yard. It was nice not to be traveling or otherwise committed. I'm turning into my parents when it comes to my love of working in the yard. My front flower beds are really coming on and all the flowers, grasses and other plants my Mom put in last summer are springing to life.

Last night I went over to help Phil Gardner move a massive "playhouse" from his old home up in the Rattlesnake. I got to meet the new owners, Richard and Tracy Manning. Dick is a renowned author and Tracy runs the Clark Fork Coalition. Pretty amazing people. Here are some books by Dick, Richard Manning Books at Barnes & Noble and more about the Clark Fork Coalition Clark Fork Coalition Website.They are taking out all the grass and replacing it with native grasses and other plants, which I think is super cool but I wonder what their neighbors will say.

Annie and I (have I mentioned Annie yet? No? Oh, I'll have to post all about Annie later) are busy planning our trip to France. We're going to the wedding of Gildas Plouhinec. Gildas is the brother of Gwenaelle Plouhinec Roscoe (what's that you ask? Who is Gwen? Oh, I'll have to post about her too) and stayed with me for a brief time when he first came to the States. It should be an amazing adventure, this wedding. Flights to France are unbelievably expensive so we're looking at possibly flying to London and driving the Chunnel or Brussel or Zurich or somewhere else and driving. We'll see. Unfortunately, this trip to France will delay my dreams of returning to Thailand to see Pete and meet Kung & Far (I know, I'll post about Pete later as well) or to Korea to meet my oh so cool pen pal Sunha "Sunny" Hwang (yes, I promise you'll hear all about Sunny in the future).

For now, it's back to work. I'll post more when the urge and time strike


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