Quinn the Eskimo

At this point I am figuring my blog is now really more like a diary that is left on a counter so any hapless passerby with nothing better to do could open it and peruse as opposed to a real blog...I continually bemoan my own pathetic attempts to maintain anything similar to a regular posting regimen. And it's a shame really, as so many things have happened to me, my family, and friends since my last entry and well, I think they are rather interesting. Oh well, trudge onward.
The most significant event of all was the birth of my second son, Quinlan Charles Terry O'Connor on December 2nd, 2009. After another hard labor (not quite as long or hard as Liam, according to Jen), Jen delivered the mighty Quinn at about 5:15 PM. He is an awesome little boy who has already developed one heck of a personality. My wonderful parents were able to be here again and stayed for almost three weeks; they were amazing in their support and help and love. As is our habit, we couldn't decide on a name so we used three! Quinn has settled into a routine of being up about 4 times a night and I am again rediscovering the art of getting by on little to no sleep. I am now fully sucked into family life and am having a great time.
Some other items of note...last week we were in just an awful accident that I am reliving several times a day. On the way home from Billings, Montana we struck a full grown deer at 75 mph on a very dark stretch of Interstate I-90 at about 7:00 PM. This was not your Indiana deer...this was a large deer of the Montana variety that took out the entire front of the car. She literally exploded on impact. The air bags deployed and everything worked exactly as it should have...all 4 kids were unscathed and neither Jen or I were hurt either. The trooper arrived about 10 minutes after the 911 call and was extremely helpful and out wonderful neighbors drove a half hour out to pick us up. It was only at about 11:00 PM that it all set in and my hands started to shake. Seriously, I am quite certain we would have all died had I swerved to avoid the deer. Unfortunately we are down a car but otherwise we are spectacular.
All of this puts my ultimate frisbee misadventures in perspective. My team, the Mental Toss Flycoons (winners of the 2008 national championships) once again qualified for the national championships and went into the event with a big swagger. I gave up my spot as an active player and opted to fill the role of coach for the series. Don't ask me why or how (that will be a post for another time) but the experience in Florida this year was just plain bad. We finished tied for third, losing in the semi-finals to the eventual champions, and qualified for the world championships in Prague to be held in July of this year. But my personal experience and just about everything I thought about my place on the team and the esteem in which I thought I was held were all shattered. I suppose it was what needed to happen for me to finally say, it is time to set aside my addiction to Ultimate.
More later, it is time for a hair cut.


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