Feeling the Burn of Bad Willpower

I am so far behind on posting it is ridiculous. I wrote this and stuck it in my drafts folder two weeks ago.

Saturday Jen and I had big plans to workout together…they were thrown for a loop when the Purdue University men's basketball team managed to get into the Big 10 semifinals against #1 Ohio State and the game was aired nationally. Since I hadn’t gotten to see my beloved Boilermakers play all year I decided to alter my plans and fit the game in. So my friend Rick Simmons came up to my chateau on the hill to watch the game. Jen went for a run and Liam stayed with the men. It was a very good basketball game for 35 minutes until Ohio State pulled away at the end. Jen slipped off a sidewalk coming down from a neighborhood higher up the mountain and sprained her ankle so I went and picked her up and decided to head off to the gym on my own, leaving her with her ankle elevated and Liam feeding…what a woman!

So I hopped on my bike and rode the whopping 2.7 miles downhill to the YMCA. Felt pretty good. Then I got my ass kicked. I Started off with the official Crossfit warm up: 3 rounds of 15 reps of
Samson stretch
Overhead squat with broomstick
Sit-ups (25 reps on flat extension apparatus)
Back extensions

I did this in a little over 15 minutes, which isn’t setting the world on fire but was more than enough to get the heart pumping and the sweat flowing.

I then moved into a Workout of the day Rick had described during the game…it sounded easy and manageable (what a fool believes).

4 Rounds for time of:

1. 200M sprints (about 30 seconds of sprinting)

2. 15 burpees

After completing the second round I thought I was going to puke and I’d only been at the gym for about 25 minutes total. My heart was trying to jump out of my mouth along with all the water I’d consumed. I failed to complete all 4 rounds.

Riding home and struggling to get to the top of the backside “shortcut” up the hill, I thought about my willpower and how weak it was at the moment. I need more crossfit and running and less '24' and Good Eats on the Food Network!

A good burpee demo can be seen on this page http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html which is part of the Crossfit site, one of the coolest concepts my friend John Chandler ever turned me onto.

Hope you’re all getting those bones moving and muscles loosened. See you all on the fields very soon!

J to the O


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