Introducing the newest line of O'Connor...Liam

On November 18, 2006 the world got just a little brighter. On that day, despite the common belief that it would never happen, I became a daddy. Liam John Hays O'Connor was born at 9:39 AM in Missoula's Community Medical Center.
Liam and his mommy were both fine and the little guy took to her right away.

The past month has been an unbelievable journey, both surreal and exhilarating at the same time. Liam is a good little boy; he sleeps, poops, eats and coo's in no particular order.

My mother and father were able to be here for the delivery and my brother and his girlfriend came the day after. So we had our first Thanksgiving together as a "recomposed" family, in our own house we bought together in October, with our new son and family all around. Pretty grand experience, that is certain.

When I catch my breath I will share some of our funny stories and my feelings on going from zero to family in 6 short months.


Anonymous said…
Holy crap! I've been away too long. I've missed a lot!!!


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