Bozofest 2006

So this past weekend I headed over to Bozeman, Montana for the 21st annual Bozofest Ultimate Frisbee Disc tournament. Bozofest is always a super fun time, even for a Hoosier who grew up with the belief that Memorial day weekend was about two things, honoring those who died defending our country and the Indianapolis 500. When I moved to Missoula 4 years ago I went over to Bozofest and spent much of Saturday on the telephone with my Dad, getting updates on who was leading the race.

Missoula took two teams over to Bozo, the Flycoons and the Killer Bees. Both teams had great talent, with the team I played on (Flycoons) hoping for our second win in three years (we placed second last year). Saturday was quite possibly one of the most miserable days I've ever played Ultimate in, with temperatures in the high 30's to low 40's (F), constant rain and just enough wind to make your teeth chatter. Despite the weather, we had a great day, going 5-0 against teams from Minneapolis, Moscow/Pullman, Salt Lake City, Kalispell/Whitefish and Jackson, Wyoming. Despite the cold, there were smiles all around. Our team has some new players, who are pretty fast and very skilled, making old guys like me look even slower and older than before.

The tournament party was located about 30 miles west of Bozeman at an archery club near Buffalo Jump State Park. It was super fun. There was a great band, excellent food, a bonfire under the stars and loads of whacky games Ultimate players love. From what I heard, the party raged until 3:00 AM, although by that time I had been in bed for many an hour.

Sunday was a nice surprise, weather wise...the skies cleared and for a majority of the day we played under a mixture of cotton ball clouds and bright blue sky. Unfortunately for us, we lost to one of our main rivals, Salt Lake City, in the semi-finals 15-14. As if to voice her disapproval with the outcome, Mother Nature started dumping hail and rain again after our loss.

The second Missoula team had a great comeback day on Sunday, after losing too many close games Saturday. They fought their way through to win the consolation bracket.

Fun weekend!


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