An Old Fashioned Indiana Summer Dinner
Last night was my last night in Indiana. I've been milking a vacation to Michigan by adding on a week before and two days after so that I could spend some time with friends and family back in the Hoosier state. My folks know how much I love summer produce from home so last night we had a pure Hoosier feast: While Dad worked the grill preparing some chicken, Mom sliced up some big juicy tomatoes from her garden and we shucked up a dozen ears of Indiana sweet corn. We had chicken, sweet corn, fresh tomatoes, Indiana green beans, red potatoes and a big salad with fresh greens... all (except for the chicken of course) had been picked from the fields that morning. It was so yummy. I ate 4 ears of corn (look here to see my buttery face), two helpings of beans and way too much salt & butter. It was a lot of fun and I got to spend some time with my super sweet niece Brooke, my sister Leslie and her husband Andy and Mom & Dad. It was a super cool night.