France...A retrospective

Just arrived back from an incredible 12 day adventure in France...well not exactly twelve days: If you take off the travel time (11 hours to France 25 hours including layovers in Amsterdam, Detroit and Minneapolis back to Missoula) and the delays in travel while in France (Paris to Ennordres normally 2.5 hours took us 6 hours, CDG to Paris normally 45 minutes by Bus took us 6.5 hours by bus) then I guess our incredible adventure was more like 9 1/2 days. But we jammed as much as two people could in those 9 1/2 days.

I kept a journal everyday, so look for some back dated posts with all the details. I had hoped to post as I went along but the French countryside is not dotted with internet cafes as I had hoped and we just got too busy to stop and check the internet. I had over 2000 email waiting for me upon my return (let's just say I know where to get "v1agra, "vaigra","v*agra", "weekend c1al1s" and every other sexual stimulant available by SPAM).

It's safe to say that I made some new friends that I hope to stay in touch with from France and Iran. I also discovered, much to my surprise, that my French is decent enough to get me by with just about anyone except the super fast talking Parisienne's and that super fast talking and hyper Plouhinec family from Brittany. We had great wine, but bad beer. We saw funny Americanisms on t-shirts everywhere. The French seem to be in decent shape but most of them smoke like chimneys. The contributions of those who helped free the continent in WWII are still very much in the hearts and minds of the French. They are fanatical about their football. They drink alot of wine...and by that I mean they drink ALOT of wine and it is damn good.

More from the journal to follow.


Garrett... said…
Glad you're back. A coworker is from Brittany. She enjoys reading/hearing about Americans' perceptions of the French. She agreed with most if not all of your comments.

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